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Linear algebra and lattice reduction in Sage

Tutorial for the EJCIM 2014

Linear algebra

Sage provides native support for working with matrices over any commutative or non-commutative ring. The parent object for a matrix is a matrix space MatrixSpace(R, n, m) of all matrices over a ring .

To create a matrix, either use the matrix(...) function

sage: matrix([[1,2],[3,4]])
[1 2]
[3 4]

or create a matrix space using the MatrixSpace command and coerce an object into it

sage: M = matrix([[1,2],[3,4]])
sage: M
[1 2]
[3 4]

Read about more ways of creating matrices here: and here

Matrices also act on row vectors, which you create using the vector(...) command or by making a VectorSpace and coercing lists into it.

sage: M * vector([1,1])
(3, 7)

The natural action of matrices on row vectors is from the right. Sage currently does not have a column vector class (on which matrices would act from the left), but this is planned.

Sage has quite flexible ways of extracting elements or submatrices from a matrix:

sage: M[0]
(1, 2)
sage: M[0,1]
sage: M[:,1]
sage: _.parent()
Full MatrixSpace of 2 by 1 dense matrices over Integer Ring

You can read more on indexing here :

And, obviously, you can compute the LLL and BKZ reduced forms of matrices:

sage: M.LLL()
[1 0]
[0 2]
sage: M.BKZ()
[1 0]
[0 2]

The full documentation on matrices is here : Be sure to have read the official tutorial on linear algebra before going any further.

The Sagebook also has various chapters on linear algebra, in particular §2.4 and §10.


  1. Find a basis of the solution space of the homogenous linear system

  2. Find a basis of the space spanned by the columns of .

Solving Knapsacks

Before moving to lattice reduction, we study some very special instances of lattices: those arising from knapsack problems. This section is inspired by this tutorial on linear programming.

The Knapsack problem is the following: given a collection of items having both a weight and a usefulness, we would like to fill a bag whose capacity is constrained while maximizing the usefulness of the items contained in the bag (we will consider the sum of the items’ usefulness). For the purpose of this tutorial, we set the restriction that the bag can only carry a certain total weight.

To achieve this, we have to associate to each object of our collection a binary variable taken[o], set to 1 when the object is in the bag, and to 0 otherwise. Therefore, we are trying to solve the following Mixed Integer Linear Program (MILP)

We will restrict to the case usefulness = weight, which is also known as the subset sum problem. Using Sage, we will give to our items a random weight:

sage: C = 3659
sage: L = ["pan", "book", "knife", "gourd", "flashlight"]
sage: L.extend(["random_stuff_" + str(i) for i in range(10)])
sage: set_random_seed(685474)
sage: weights = [randint(100,1000) for o in L]

We can now define the MILP itself

sage: p = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(maximization=True)
sage: taken = p.new_variable(binary=True)
sage: p.add_constraint(p.sum(w * taken[o] for o,w in zip(L, weights)), max=C)
sage: p.set_objective(p.sum(w * taken[o] for o,w in zip(L, weights)))
sage: p.solve()
sage: taken = p.get_values(taken)

The solution found is (of course) admissible

sage: sum(w * taken[o] for o,w in zip(L, weights))

Should we take a flashlight?

sage: taken["flashlight"]

Wise advice. Based on purely random considerations.

The module numerical.knapsack gives a nice wrapper for MILPs used to solve knapsack instances. The same problem could have been solved by

sage: from sage.numerical.knapsack import knapsack
sage: knapsack(zip(costs,costs,L), max=C)
 [(952, 952, 'flashlight'),
  (767, 767, 'random_stuff_1'),
  (286, 286, 'random_stuff_2'),
  (152, 152, 'random_stuff_3'),
  (806, 806, 'random_stuff_4'),
  (696, 696, 'random_stuff_6')]]

Knapsack problems can be restated in terms of finding short vectors in a lattice. For the sake of simplicity, let’s suppose that we know there is a solution to the problem that reaches the objective cost (this is the case, for example, in the cryptanalysis of the Merkle-Hellman system). Given items with weights , we want to find binary variables such that

This can be restated as a lattice problem: consider the lattice

then is a short vector in . If is the shortest vector, we may be lucky enough to find it using a lattice reduction algorithm, such as LLL.


  1. Using the constructor block_matrix, construct the matrix associated to the knapsack problem above.

  2. Using LLL, find a short binary vector in . Verify that it is a solution to the knapsack problem.

SIS and lattice reduction

The Short Integer Solution (SIS) problem is the following. Given parameters , and , and an matrix with entries uniformly distributed in , find a vector of small norm such that

The SIS problem is closely related to LWE, and it is the basis of many cryptosystems. SIS instances can be solved via lattice reduction. Define the dual lattice of

then is a short vector in .


For simplicity, we are going to work with prime.

  1. Create a SIS matrix with parameters , using the following code

    sage: n, m, q = 10, 20, 1009
    sage: set_random_seed(685474)
    sage: A = random_matrix(Zmod(q),10,20)

    Observe that has coefficients in (you can check by printing A.parent()). We are going to need matrices with coefficients in in order to apply lattice reduction algorithms. At any time, you can obtain a copy of A with a different base ring by using A.change_ring(), and a copy of A with coefficients in by using A.lift().

  2. Compute a basis of the null space of A in .

  3. Use this matrix to define a basis of (be careful: this is a lattice in , not in ).

  4. Compute an LLL-reduced basis of . Print the norms of the basis vectors.

  5. You have noticed that there is no vector significantly shorter in . This is no surprise, as is a random matrix. So, how does one construct an SIS instance that looks like a random matrix?

    The trick is very simple: choose a vector of small norm (e.g., a uniformly distributed binary vector), and then compute

    Then is an SIS instance, and we can prove that its entries are almost uniformly distributed (this is a consequence of the famous leftover hash lemma).

    Using this technique, construct an SIS instance.

  6. Compute an LLL-reduced basis of . Can you find the short vector?


We finally come to LWE. The reductions from LWE to lattice problems are more technical than the previous ones, so we’ll better leave them off. We will instead have a look at what is included in the Sage library concerning it.

Sage has some crypto modules built in, mainly for educational purposes. They are listed here: Of special interest to us are the module on lattice instance generation and the one on LWE oracles.

  1. Read the documentation of the two modules.

  2. Generate some random lattice instances and compare the results of LLL and BKZ reduction. How far can you go before the algorithms start eating all resources up?

  3. Using the DiscreteGaussianSampler, implement the Regev and dual-Regev cryptosystems.