HTML, CSS and forms

The Glitch IDE

In this tutorial we will use a cloud based development environment (IDE). Although the exercises could be developed entirely locally (a browser and an editor are all that’s needed), we will use this occasion to get acquainted with our IDE Glitch.

Important: you will need a recent browser to use Glitch, possibly the latest version of Firefox, Chrome or Safari. Check your version before starting.

Point your browser to, create an account if you haven’t yet, and connect to your personal dashboard. If you already have a GitHub account, you can import and export your projects from/to it.

For your first project, remix by clicking on the “Remix” button. Alternatively, you can create a new sample project by clicking on “Start a new project”, then “Create a website”.


  1. Open the index.html file, or, if your project does not contain one, create a new one using this template:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <title>Tutorial 1</title>
        <!-- Content goes here -->
  2. Edit the file. Add a title (<h1>) and some paragraphs.

  3. Show the result in the browser.

    Since this is a public project, all the contents are statically viewable at the URL


    (replace the project name in the URL), and HTML pages will be served as such. To open this link in a new tab, click on the “Show” button.

  4. Make your own CV in this file. We will disregard elegance and style for the moment. You can consult the MDN reference to find out about HTML tags.

    • Edit the <title> tag.

    • Give a title to the page (<h1>).

    • Create two sections (<section>): one for your personal data, and one for all the rest. Give an id to each section.

    • In the first section:

      • Give a title (<h2>);
      • Using a bullet list (<ul>), or a description list (<dl>), list your personal data;
      • Add a picture of yourself (do not forget to add an alt attribute to <img> tags), inside a <figure> tag.

        Note: Glitch stores pictures in a special folder called “assets”. You can upload a picture to it from your computer, then copy its URL by clicking on the thumbnail. Alternatively, you can use a picture taken from the Internet. Do not forget that your project is public.

    • In the second section:

      • Create the following subsections: Education, Degrees, Hobbies, each within an <article> tab, with its own id;
      • Start each subsection with a title (<h2> tag);
      • Fill each subsection with subtitles (<h3>, etc.), paragraphs (<p>), lists (<ul>, <ol>, <dl>), links (<a>), etc.
      • In the Degrees subsection, use a table (<table>, <tr>, <td>) to list your degrees and years of graduation;
      • On top of this section, add a navigation area (<nav>), containing a list (<ul>) of links (<a>) to each subsection. Recall that you can link to any element inside an HTML document using the #id URL (where id is the tag identifier).

    Important: avoid styling tags, deprecated tags (e.g.: <font>, <center>, …), or out of place (e.g.: <h*> to make anything else than titles, <br> to make lists, <table> to do page layout, …)

  5. Validate your document with the W3C validator: Correct all errors until none is left.


Create now a CSS file and linkt it to your CV with the <link> tag. Using the MDN CSS reference, modify your page look as follows:

  1. Delimit the subsection headers with a horizontal rule (border property). Add some padding and some margin to your liking.

  2. Center titile of subsections, modify the font size.

  3. Move your picture to the right of the page (see Positioning).

  4. Remove the bullets to the left of lists in the navigation area (see lists).

  5. Links in the navigation area must be black, and become red when the mouse hovers on them (see the :link, :hover, :active, :visited pseudoclasses).

  6. Links in the navigation area must be all on the same line (use the display property, for example).

  7. By adding class attributes in the HTML document, give a different background color to even and odd lines in the degree table. After that, read the documentation of the :nth-child pseudoclass.

  8. Reduce the font size of the <h2> tags inside <article> tags (but not that of other <h2> tags).

  9. Enlarge the font size of the first letter of the <h2> tags inside <article> tags (:first-letter pseudoelement).

  10. Open now the page in Chrome or Firefox. Open the developer tools (F12) and select the Elements (Chrome) or Inspector (Firefox) tab. Select a <h2> tag and observe the information on its style on the right. In the style editor on the right, edit some properties and add new properties in the (Chrome) or element (Firefox) group. Obviously, these modifications will not be saved, and will not survive a refresh.

  11. Validate your CSS code using the W3C validator: Fix your errors until none are left.


We are going to add a simplistic search tool, based on Google search. The URL used for Google searches varies according to the interface, however a standard URL will be similar to this

The question mark ? separates the page path from its parameters. After the question mark follow key=value pairs, divided by ampersands &. Two important key=value pairs for Google are q (the search terms) and hl (the UI language). There’s plenty of others.

HTML forms let the browser send requests with parameters to other pages. These parameters can be sent either via the URL of a GET HTTP request, like in Google’s case, or via the body of a POST request.

  1. Add a form (<form> tag) to your page, with the attributes method="GET" and action="".

  2. In the form add a text field (<input>) and a button (<button>)

    The text field must have a name="q" attribute.

  3. View the page, fill the form, and launch a search. Look at how the URL in the address bar varies according to what you typed in the text field.

  4. View the page again in Chrome or Firefox. Open the developer tools (F12) and select the Network tab. Launch a search and study the request sent by the browser. You will notice that the original request (the first one) generates many other requests.

  5. Now use method="POST" in the <form> tag and launch a new search. Besides the fact that Google rejects the request, what other differences do you notice through the developer tools?

  6. Get back to the GET method. Add the required attribute to the text field, and try and do an empty search. What happens?

  7. Add a placeholder attribute to the text field.

  8. Using the pattern attribute, limit the text field to those searches that contain the words HTML or CSS (now it’s the right time to learn about regular expressions, if you haven’t yet).

  9. Create a new text field with name="q", prefilled with the text (use the value attribute).

  10. Change this last field from type="text" to type="hidden". Launch a new search. What do you observe?

  11. Add some checkboxes, appending some pre-determined terms to the search, like this (it is important that these checkboxes have name and value attributes)


  12. Add some radio buttons to choose the UI language (hl=en or hl=fr), like this


  13. Add more search choices in a folding menu (<select> and <option> tags), like this

…and don’t forge to validate, of course!

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